Khwaishein a soulful track from director Madhur Bhandarkar`s upcoming Bollywood film `Calendar Girls` has been released. Sung by Arijit Singh and composed by Armaan Malik, `Khwaishein` reflects real emotions behind all the glitz and glamour of the fashion world. The video features nuances of the film as the girl`s journey through small joys, big celebrations and some heartbreaking circumstances.
After the amazing response to the trailer and the upbeat song `Awesome Mora Mahiya`, `Khwaishein` is also set to capture the attention of the audience.
Set to release on 25th September, `Calendar Girls` essays the story of five models, who go through various phases from fame to anonymity. It stars Akanksha Puri, Avani Modi, Kyra Dutt, Ruhi Singh and Satarupa Pyne in pivotal roles. Produced by Sangeeta Ahir`s Manglmurti Films, `Calendar Girls` is directed by Madhur Bhandarkar.
Tuesday, September 08, 2015 16:00 IST