Actress Sonam Kapoor, who will be seen essaying the role of Neerja Bhanot in an upcoming biopic remembered the late daredevil flight attendant on her 52nd birth anniversary.
Sonam saluted the "unflinching Spirit" of Bhanot, a PanAm flight attendant who lost her life trying to save the lives of passengers from terrorists on board hijacked PanAm Flight 73 at Karachi on September 5, 1986. She was only 22.
"To the Unflinching Spirit. To the Courage that Inspires. To #NeerjaBhanot: My Humble Salute," she tweeted on Monday.
Directed by debutant Ram Madhvani, the film also features veteran actress Shabana Azmi as Bhanot's mother.
Wednesday, September 09, 2015 12:01 IST