Godman-turned-actor Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, who is all set to again create a buzz on the big screen with a sequel to the 2015 film "MSG - the Messenger", confirms that he has been approached by the makers of reality show "Bigg Boss 9", but has put forth certain conditions to enter the show.
The Dera Saccha Sauda chief was present at a music launch of his film "MSG 2 - The Messenger", at an event here on Wednesday. The film is releasing on September 18.
Asked whether he had been approached to appear in `Bigg Boss 9`, he said: `Yes, I've been approached to appear on the show. But I asked them if they allow me to exit the house for 2-3 hours every day to meet my followers then I can think for it. Still nothing is finalised.`
"Bigg Boss 9", to be hosted by superstar Salman Khan, is an Indian version of internationally acclaimed reality format "Celebrity Big Brother".
The show involves celebrity contestants locked inside a purpose-built house for three months under constant camera surveillance.
Friday, September 11, 2015 08:00 IST