After Abhishek Bachchan-Priyanka Chopra, it is now Shahid Kapur-Kareena Kapoor who are luring audiences with a stylishly shot promotional music video for "Chup Chup
Both of them will be seen jiving on "Aare Aare", shot in a single schedule at Film City on a glossy white and silver underwater-kind-of-a set created by Omung Kumar.
The video is a joint effort of noted music video director Kuki Gulati and adman Ken Ghosh, who had introduced Shahid in "Ishq Vishk" and directed him with Kareena in
Rendered by Himesh Reshammiya and Tulsi Kumar, the song is currently on high airplay and is being used to create pre-release interest.
Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:43 IST