Actress Kangana Ranaut, who will be seen in the upcoming movie 'Katti Batti' releasing this Friday, observed maun vrat on the sets of the movie during the shoot. A scene of the movie required Kangana to be in an intense state, for which she kept maun vrat (kept quiet) and spoke with nobody on the sets except her director Nikhil Advani. She isolated herself on the sets for days, until the sequence was shot.
Kangana is known for playing variety of characters, and getting into the skin of all of them, and for Katti Batti too the the actress left no stone unturned in delivering her best. Also starring Imran Khan, 'Katti Batti' directed by Nikhil Advani, will release on September 18.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 12:56 IST