Pakistani actor Moammar Rana, currently shooting in India for a film, says he enjoys working in
Bollywood as Indian producers have lots of resources and facilities.
"For an actor, money, quality and facilities count much. We need results in all sectors and Bollywood
has the resources," Rana told on telephone from India.
The Pakistani actor is shooting for "Kabhi Pyar Na Karna" opposite Indian actress Neha Dhupia. Javed
Raza is the director of the film.
Rana said: "There is a lot in common in our (Pakistani and Indian) cultures. I feel at home whenever I
am in India."
According to Rana, the Indian film industry has made much progress in recent years but "Lollywood
(the Pakistani film industry) is far behind and has to go a long way".
Monday, May 15, 2006 15:32 IST