The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF) has taken strong exception to advertisement about a forthcoming English movie ''Sacred Evil'' which depicts Jesus Christ on a Cross and
the film title written in a manner allegedly giving an impression that it refers to Christ.
The film distributed by Sahara One motion pictures releases in India on May 19.
In a press release here, CSF general secretary Joseph Dias said another visual shows the nun in her habit (dress) who reportedly has the spirit in her. The words in the
advertisement state ''where there is light, there is sorrow''.
The movie deals with a nun in a Kolkata convent, who is troubled by an evil spirit, her mother superior engages the services of a witch to exorcise the evil spirit, Mr Dias said
, ''it is obvious that Christian religious places as churches, chapels or convents and objects like rosary,crucifix would be used, if promos were anything to go by''.
The matter is being taken up with Sahara One motion pictures to withdraw the advertisement, tender an apology and arrange for a screening of the movie for the CSF and
Christian clergy before its theatrical release, he said and added that the advertisements do not carry the certification of the film (a/u) which is mandatory.
Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:00 IST