In the credits of his directorial debut "Yun Hota Toh Kya Hota", actor Naseeruddin Shah promises to name his technical staff, saying, "If time and space permits, I might
mention my name at the end."
"I am often surprised how filmmakers claim complete credit for the making of a film when it is a well-known fact that there are several departments at work during the making
of a film - from the camerawork to the sound recording and others," said Naseer.
"I'd like to publicly acknowledge my indebtedness to the people who assisted me in the making of my film," he added.
His acknowledgement list will include the names of unsung heroes working behind the scene.
"It will also mention the names of all those who backed me and facilitated this great endeavour for which I wouldn't have had the time and the energy. Those are the people
who stay behind the camera and never come to receive the applause. If time and space permits, I might mention my name at the end," he said.
Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:04 IST