Love Exchange,an upbeat romantic comedy movie, features newcomers Mohit Madan and Jyoti Sharma as the lead pair, and are supported by senior artistes including Manoj Pahwa, Darshan Jariwala, Raju Kher, Nilu Kohli and Shama Deshpande.
The story revolves around two lovers who hail from different cultural backgrounds and have to exchange their homes for three months to get acquainted with each other's family values. The fast-paced film gives a progressive perspective on modern-day culture with tongue-in-cheek humour. It also has some good songs composed by music director Jaidev.
Nadia Ali Shirazi, who has produced the film under the banner of Winds Of Change Entertainment Pvt Ltd, says, "Although I have come from another country to invest in Bollywood, I can say with confidence that we've made a fantastic product, both in terms of content and entertainment."
Talking about his experience, debutant director Raj V Shetty says, "I had a wonderful time working on this film. The producer supported me completely and allowed me to choose my cast and crew, which made my work easy and I was able to complete the movie in 24 days."
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 13:27 IST