The reigning queen of Bollywood Kangana Ranaut is all set to make her debut as a designer. The actress has worked closely with the brand to design the couture-like VERO MODA MARQUEE AW'15 collection. With vibrant colours, impeccable designs and avant garde silhouettes, the clothing line will be unveiled tonight.
There will be a high octane fashion show where the actress herself will walk the ramp in her favourite pieces from the collection. Kangana, who is very excited to have turned designer, said, "My fashion philosophy is to follow my mood for the day and wear what makes me feel good.I am not a blind follower of fashion trends, instead, I carve my own fashion niche and this line is a true representation of that. I am happy that my collection for VERO MODA MARQUEE is inspired by my very own personal sense of style."
Interestingly, last year Kangana made a stunning showstopper for the launch of MARQUEE '14 collection designed by Karan Johar. Perhaps, that inspired her to try her hand at designing a line that is an extension of her personality.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 13:28 IST