After delivering Rs 150-crore-plus super hit this year with Tanu Weds Manu Returns, director-producer Aanand L Rai has already started working on his next. Now days he's currently shooting in Punjab for.
The creative maverick will also be presenting the Swara Bhaskar-starrer Nil Battey Sannata, helmed by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari. Aanand, who delivered a successful hattrick at the box office.
Tanu Weds Manu, Raanjhanaa and Tanu Weds Manu Returns, saw Nil Battey Sannata and was impressed with the heartwarming story of a mother-daughter relationship, to the extent that he decided to present the inspiring tale.
It's learnt that Aanand is very confident about Nil Battey Sannata and is personally looking after the marketing and promotional activities of the film. A source says, "Aanandji is confident about Nil Battey Sannata. He's someone who understands the pulse of films that work with the common man and believes that this inspiring story needs to reach as many people as possible."
"He's working closely with the marketing and promotional team to figure out what works best for the film," the source adds.
Aanand L Rai says, "Nil Battey Sannata is a wonderful story of a mother-daughter relationship. I want the audience to see the film as it's an inspiring subject that needs to be told."
Nil Battey Sannata which was screened at the 2nd Silk Road International Film Festival in China received a long standing ovation and Swara also won Best Actress award for the film.
Sunday, October 04, 2015 13:03 IST