With Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Irrfan in the lead roles, the Sanjay Gupta-directed Jazbaa has seen an increased demand overseas. Now, the action-packed thriller will open simultaneously in over 40 countries worldwide.
Since the trailer's launch, the movie, which also features Shabana Azmi, has generated a great amount of interest due to its strong subject and interesting mix of actors. It is no wonder then that Zee Studios, the corporation behind the film, is leaving no stone unturned to give it the widest release possible.
While the film has secured more than 100 screens in countries like the US and Canada, it is also opening in the Middle East, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Even countries like Switzerland, Austria, Botswana, Indonesia and Thailand have seen a great demand for the movie.Jazbaais also slated for a wide release in Pakistan, with a distribution major from the country as a partner.
"We're highly encouraged by the interest thatJazbaahas generated internationally. The story's universal appeal and powerful performances and the global recognition of the stars has created a huge demand for the film," says Akash Chawla, Zee Studios business head, and adds, "In India, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's return along with the combination of Irrfan's razor-sharp dialogues, the popularity of the film's songs and Sanjay Gupta's directorial prowess has got audiences intrigued. We are focused on reaching out to as many audiences as possible." To cater to the large spectrum of audiences,the film has also been dubbed in various languages, including Arabic.
Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:56 IST