The new poster of the upcoming film 'Zubaan' has been released. Showcasing actors Vicky Kaushal and Sarah Jane Dias with an image of a Sitar in the centre, the poster gives a glimpse of the inner turmoil and thoughts of both their characters. The words "Find your music" inscribed on the poster reveal the essence of the film. 'Zubaan' is the opening film at the prestigious Busan International Film Festival 2015 today, a first for Bollywood and the makers are excited to see what the audience has to say.
'Zubaan' is an Indian musical drama film written and directed by Mozez Singh, starring Vicky Kaushal and Sarah Jane Dias. The story essays the coming-of-age of a Punjabi boy who develops a fear of music, his journey in overcoming it and thus finding himself.
Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:58 IST