On Tuesday, Neeraj Kabi returned from Jodhpur after wrapping up his work on Gurinder Chadha's period drama, 'Viceroy's House'. He plays Gandhi but in this film, which boasts of several British American actors, the iconic figure has been portrayed very differently from the Gandhi he played in Shyam Benegal's recent TV series, 'Samvidhaan'.
"He's a courageous yet tragic character and his interactions with Lord Mountbatten took him into a different, complex zone I'd not explored earlier. But I won't play Gandhi again. The two-month prep involved slimming down my body. It's time to get back to normal life and good food," laughs Neeraj. The hectic shoot left him with no time to catch his just-released film, 'Talvar', so plans for the evening include a visit to the theatre. The film is based on the 2008 Noida double murders of 14-yearold Aarushi Talwar and 45-year-old domestic help Hemraj Banjade.Arushi's parents, Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, were convicted of the murder in 2013 and are currently in jail awaiting trial.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 13:52 IST