Days after signing Ranveer Singh for his next directorial venture, 'Befikre', YRF boss Aditya Chopra announced Vaani Kapoor as its heroine. The actress had vanished from the Bollywood scene after debuting in 'Shuddh Desi Romance' (2013), and the news of her comeback had rumour mills working overtime.
We hear the actress wanted to step out of the YRF camp (her maiden outing hardly did anything to propel her career), but Aditya asked her to "have patience" and eventually, offered her the lead role in Befikre. "Vaani was offered a few films by other production companies. She even had a good mind to sign one of them since it had been two years since her debut. She informed Aditya about her wish to take up work outside YRF, but he coaxed her to stay back," reveals an industry insider.
The filmmaker then assured Vaani of a bigger break, says the source, adding, "That's how she bagged the lead role."
After 'Shuddh Desi Romance', Vaani was seen in the Tamil remake of 'Band Baaja Baaraat' (2010), also produced by Aditya Chopra.
Vaani's spokesperson, who also handles YRF talent management, dismisses the buzz and says, "Vaani, like all YRF talent, is free to sign other projects. There is no contract restricting them from doing so. The films she declined were out of free will since she was waiting for the right project to come along, whether from outside or within YRF."
Thursday, October 15, 2015 19:00 IST