Actress Richa Chadha has always impressed the audience with impactful performances in her films. She is now all set for another challenging role in 'Main Aur Mr. Charles' alongside actor Randeep Hooda. The talented actress portrays a law student 'Meera' who is in love with the protagonist Charles.
Richa's look in the film includes 1970'- 80'S fashion trends like headbands since her character is set during that era. A source close to the actress confirmed the news, `Richa is excited about her role as it is something she has never done before. Set in the 80's her character Mira is a rich, talented young girl with a good family background whose life takes a turn for the worse when she gets acquainted with Charles. Charles was both charming and dangerous at the same time. Something Meera loved.`
Directed by Prawaal Raman and produced by Cynozure Networkz, 'Main Aur Charles' is set for release on October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 15, 2015 14:25 IST