According to a Mumbai Mirror report, Shankar's Rajinikanth starrer Enthiran (Robotin Hindi,Roboin Telugu), was touted as India's most expensive film, until SS Rajamouli's two-part fantasy drama,Baahubali, broke the record. The director is now set to raise the stakes with Enthiran2 with Rajini reprising his role in the sci-fi drama. What's more,Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger makes his Indian film debut with the sequel. He will be flying down for the film's first schedule in January to play a rogue robot. "Arnold and I discuss a lot of Indian movies.
He attended the audio launch of my Vikram starrer, I, and told me that he wanted to work in Tamil films. He was impressed with the storyline of Enthiran 2and agreed to be a part of the film," Shankar confirmed. The Hollywood actor will be in India for 25 days; his final dates are reportedly being locked around Rajini's schedule.The South actor is currently filming Pa Ranjith's Kabali, in which he plays an ageing don, in Chennai.Enthiran, which bagged two National Awards, one for Best Special Effects and the other for Best Production Design, was the story of a scientist and his robot Chitti who turns against him. Shankar reveals that the sequel is very different, "Enthiran 2is a superhero film, a sci-fi adventure, a triangular love story with bits inspired from the Ramayana."
Friday, October 16, 2015 13:03 IST