Filmmaker Imtiaz Ali, who has collaborated with Oscar winner A.R. Rahman and singer Mika Singh for the new song `Heer toh badi sad hai` from the forthcoming romantic drama film `Tamasha`, says the trio had a `lot of fun` shooting the song.
`Heer toh badi sad hai`, which will release on Saturday, will feature the peppy voice of Mika with a soothing blend of Rahman's music under the direction of Ali.
`Rahman sir came up with Mika's name. I knew that something unusual is going to happen now. It was the quickest recording in the album. We had a lot of fun. Hope the audience has the same experience,` Ali said in a statement.
The song will feature Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika padukone swinging to the tunes made by the talented trio.
`Tamasha` will release on November 27.
Friday, October 16, 2015 13:11 IST