Shah Rukh Khan and filmmaker Rohit Shetty's combo in "Chennai Express" turned out to be 'blockbuster hit' at the box office. And the Bollywood superstar says his forthcoming film `Dilwale` with the director is also shaping up well.
SRK took to Twitter to express his views after catching a glimpse of the film, adding that `Dilwale` is looking nice.
`Shot all night shot all morning shot half a night again... saw film... looks really nice. Flying to Edinburgh and back same day. Life is full and fast,` Shah Rukh posted on the micro-blogging website.
With `Dilwale`, Shetty has managed to bring Shah Rukh and Kajol together on screen after five years since `My Name is Khan`.
The film, which also stars Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon, is slated to release on December 18.
The 49-year-old star has immersed all his attention to the film. Now, the actor has gone to Edinburgh, Scotland for some work.
Saturday, October 17, 2015 11:00 IST