A Pune-based lawyer has registered the case against 'Bajirao Mastani' filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bansali and actor Ranveer Singh for manhandling and restraining Pune in a government office in Bhor on Friday.
The incident came to light, when a Pune based lawyer Wajidkhan Rahim Khan-Bidkar, a resident of Kharadi approached Bhor police, which falls under the jurisdiction of Pune rural police on Friday late evening. The Bhor police have registered the complaint and reported it in their non-cognizable offence register in this regard.
The incident took place at Bhor in Rajwada, a well-known fort where some government offices are also situated.
According to Bhor police sources, "Lawyer Khan had gone to the Rajwada fort in Bhor, where a government office is located. Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Ranveer Singh were also present there for their film shoot. Khan, was allegedly insulted by Bhansali, by saying 'kale court wale' (black court person) and instructed him to leave the premises. Singh directed the security guard to move him out and it was on his directions the guard manhandled him and pushed him out forcefully."
Saturday, October 17, 2015 22:08 IST