Deepika Padukone can surely pull off any look that she has to don for a role. The actress looks resplendent as the Persian princess, Mastaani, in the film Bajirao Mastaani. Her look was recently revealed at the song launch of the film. Soon after, the actress walked the ramp for Anju Modi, who is the brain behind Deepika's look in the film. Deepika looked every bit the royalty as she sashayed down the ramp in a red texturedlehenga, complemented with a shawl in similar shades and a netdupattathat was draped over her head. In sync with the theme, Deepika also wore traditional jewelery such asjhoomar, paasa, neck-pieces andhaath phool. Her look in the film is promised to be just as interesting.
According to a PTI report, Maharashtra Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis, said that he wanted Bollywood actress, Deepika Padukone, to engage with farmers given the agrarian crisis in the state. Maharashtra has witnessed hundreds of farmer suicides over the last few years. "We would like to give Deepika Padukone a mission.... mission to engage with farmers," Fadnavis said at an event where the actress launched her foundation, 'Live Love Laugh' dedicated to the cause of mental health.
Monday, October 19, 2015 12:17 IST