Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group on Sunday unveiled a new logo as part of its 'corporate identity' makeover and roped in Amitabh
Bachchan for its corporate advertisement film.
Superstar Bachchan, presumed to be a close friend of group Chairman Anil Ambani, is perhaps acting for the first time in a corporate
ad film though arguably he is the biggest brand ambassador in India endorsing a host of products.
According to sources the group would spend approximately about Rs 150 crore for playing up the advertisement film, with the theme
line 'Think bigger; Think better', in televisions and other media outlets.
Corporate makeover initiative comes within a year of the birth of the group, a result of de-merger of Reliance Industries, which is
expected to spend a whopping about Rs 700 crore this fiscal alone in the advertisements, perhaps the largest budget by any
corporate entity in India.
On the eve of the launch of the initiative, Anil Ambani told the entire workforce of the group that "starting today, we will have
opportunity to get closer to our new identity, to reflect on the philosophy behind it, and to celebrate the spirit of teamwork that lies at
the heart of it.
"While embarking on this truly momentous journey, I look forward to working with each one of you - as we give life, body and soul to
our new identity, our new vision - together," Anil said in a webcast.
The makeover, which would give ADAG a new symbol 'Reliance Apex' as also corporate colours 'blue' and 'red' has been devised by
branding professionals from within with the help of global consultant Landor and Prophet.
"Our new corporate colours blue and red convey values of integrity, confidence, energy and passion... Reliance Apex, is an
embodiment of hope, optimism and success," Anil said.
Besides, the group will have a new signature tune.
Listing the strengths of the group that has a market cap of about Rs 1,00,000 crore with an asset base of over Rs 31,500 crore and
net worth of Rs 27,000 crore, he said: "We have over 50 million customers, the largest for any group in India (and) over eight million
shareholders, perhaps the largest for any group in the world."
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:05 IST