Young actress Shraddha Kapoor recently headed to Shillong to kick start the shoot of her film, Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar's Rock On 2.
The actress, who was super excited to start shoot for the film, had to return back home because of a sudden eye injury.
While in Shillong, the actress developed an eye injury which kept getting worse with time.
The actress was taken to an eye doctor in Shillong itself and found out that there was a scratch in the cornea of her eye.
When the pain kept increasing, producer of the film Ritesh Sidhwani asked the actress to fly back to Mumbai and get it checked and even rest for a couple of days.
As soon as Shraddha landed at the Mumbai airport, she headed straight to her eye doctor.
She is doing better now and is expected to resume shoot in a couple of days.
Shraddha Kapoor added "Something flew in to my eye and caused it immense pain. Once checked by an eye specialist in Shillong, we came to know that it had caused a scratch in my cornea, so it was an internal injury which needed extra care and attention. Luckily I wasn't going to be filming for a few days so I was able to come back to Mumbai to get it checked up by my eye doctor. I will join the team of Rock On 2 again shortly. "
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 16:00 IST