The Popular Entertainer and actor known for his upfront ways, big heart and his big boss stint, Ajaz Khan has lately being seen promoting his friend and actor Rishabh Jain's new music video, Disco Stud slotted to be launched in November. The song is sung by none other than the Bollywood's heartthrob singer - Shahid Mallya who has many super hit numbers from movies like Mausam,Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, Student of the year, 2 states, Phantom. The video will star the very talented Rishabh Jain of Veer fame and the popular international model Kati in the lead.
When Ajaz saw the first look of the video, he really loved the music so much that he went ahead and decided to speak all kind words to promote this upcoming music video of his friend in the best way he can. Speaking on this much anticipated album by Shahid Mallya, Ajaz Khan said, "Please do watch this music video coming out soon, I really loved it and you all will love it too. Watch out for this disco stud that is coming to all the discotheques soon with this album."
With so much buzz going around this Shahid Mallya's video already, looks like this album is definitely worth waiting for.
Thursday, October 22, 2015 15:43 IST