Actor Aamir Khan is discovering what many celebrities before him have done to their chagrin - the price
of expressing a dissenting opinion in India's fractious and imperfect democracy.
In specific financial terms there is a way to put a price on Khan's dissent. "Fanaa", Khan's latest film
whose release has been quasi-officially banned across Gujarat, would cost upwards of Rs.50 million
(about $1 million) in losses to its makers.
The actor came under fire after he voiced support for rehabilitation of those ousted by the Narmada dam
project and for his criticism of the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Gujarat for its alleged failure to
control violence in Vadodara after the demolition of a mosque in the city.
The issue is not so much about the financial loss as it is about Gujarat's worrisome slide into knee-jerk
and abrasive intolerance of dissent. The state has for quite some time been displaying intolerance
peculiar to societies in early throes of fascism. Gujaratis are by nature pragmatic and seekers of the
honorable way out of any dispute.
However, that laudable characteristic has been in serious decline for the past decade or so, roughly
coinciding with the rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its virulent brand of politics.
The party has been strikingly successful in rallying the unusually responsive Gujarati citizenry, first
around the issue of Hindutva and now around the Narmada dam.
In both cases it has subtly and not so subtly exploited the Gujarati passion for causes. Anyone who
has the gumption to question the pervasive wisdom on these two issues has had to face unvarnished
wrath in the state.
Dancer and social activist Mallika Sarabhai is all too familiar with her home state's visceral dislike for
competing opinions. So is Narmada activist Medha Patkar. Actress Shabana Azmi too has encountered
similar protests.
What compounds Khan's case is that he has chosen to express his views on both, the consequences
of unbridled Hindutva and the plight of the farmers and tribal populations displaced by the dam.
That he happens to be Muslim who is speaking out against two of Gujarat's pet obsessions also fuels
the fury against him.
At an intellectual level it may be a fair game to question and even deride Khan's understanding of the
Narmada issue and the complex politics of water. But it is one thing to question his qualification and
quite another to unleash an economic boycott against him.
In any case, Khan has as much right to express his opinion, however ill informed or half-baked, as any
citizen of the country on any issue.
There is something fundamentally flawed about the street-side logic that merely because he is a hugely
successful film star who gets paid tens of millions of rupees and has women of various ages swooning
over him it automatically precludes him from acquiring a sound understanding of larger societal issues.
Deriding celebrities with strong opinions is not unique to Gujarat or India.
Many Hollywood stars such as George Clooney, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and others have faced
the same level of censure for speaking out against President George W. Bush's policies.
It is fascinating to see how the right wing of American politics mirrors the right wing of Indian politics
when it comes to dissent against the establishment.
Some time ago some leaders of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad had issued an appeal to Hindus to produce
more children in order not to be outnumbered by Muslims.
Recently an anchor of the rightwing Fox News issued a similar call to "white Americans" to produce
more children in order not to be outnumbered by Hispanics.
The difference between the two calls is largely symbolic - one is based on religion and the other is
based on skin colour. In reality both are about supremacy of a particular group. Zealots on either side of
the political divide strangely sound alike because Muslim fundamentalists are known to have issued
similar calls. In some ways they have even pioneered that practice.
Intolerance for dissent is a bad sign in any situation but it acquires even greater urgency when it
happens in societies whose members are as industrious, economically savvy and generally intelligent
as the Gujaratis are.
It is interesting that even in their political protest they have built in a strong element of economics by
imposing a boycott not on just Khan's latest film but even asking video and DVD libraries to pull out his
earlier films.
There was news even about the protesting organisations, which are predominantly offshoots of the BJP,
preventing movie fans from going to Mumbai and watching "Fanaa". If this is not an onslaught on
individual freedom reminiscent of what early fascists did, then what is?
It has been argued with some legitimacy that outsiders confuse the loony political fringe with the people
of Gujarat generally when it comes to issues such as Hindu-Muslim tensions.
However, what reinforces the impression that a substantial number of Gujaratis are becoming intolerant
of any opinion other than their own is the fact that too few others speak out.
In this context the failure of the state unit of the Congress party is galling. Here is a political
organisation which so handsomely mined the Gujarati passion for lofty causes during India's
independence movement in the early 20th century is now looking askance as the debate has been
To its credit the BJP has been successful in articulating some of the popular feelings on the question of
Hindu-Muslim relations and how skewed government policies have become in favour a certain pressure
group. There is validity to the party's refrain that celebrity activists of a certain hue pick and choose the
wrongs they want to champion as opposed to speaking out against all wrongs.
Shouldn't Aamir Khan or Shabana Azmi or Mallika Sarabhai or Arundhati Roy feel as aggrieved and as
exercised when Hindus die in Kashmir is the question frequently asked. Sure they should and they
most likely do. But that is the essential part of the freedom to choose your causes and express your
opinion about in any democracy.
Gujarat has always been at the vanguard of major national causes. It has the intrinsic ability to choose
the right causes. Banning "Fanaa" because Aamir Khan spoke out in favour of farmers is a cause not
even worthy of being ridiculous.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 16:46 IST