It's family time for Akshay Kumar! The actor, who has been shooting for director duo Sajid-Farhad's upcoming comedy film "Housefull 3" in London, is now off for a holiday with his wife Twinkle Khanna and his daughter Nitara, who he refers as a "little princess".
Akshay took to Twitter on Friday to share a photograph of him and Nitara standing inside a pool looking at the beach.
"Beach, great weather and my little princess by my side...just what the doctor ordered #goodtimes #beachbaby," he captioned the image.
Apart from Nitara, Akshay and Twinkle, who got married in 2001, also are parents to son Aarav.
Menwhile, "Housefull 3", which also stars Riteish Deshmukh, Abhishek Bachchan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nargis Fakhri and Lisa Haydon, is a sequel of 2012 film "Housefull 2".
The film is slated to release next year.
Saturday, October 24, 2015 18:00 IST