Sanjay Leela Bhansali allowed his 'Bajirao Mastani' actress to take a day's leave despite the film's manic schedule
The last few scenes for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's historic drama, 'Bajirao Mastani' are being shot at a frenzied pace to meet the December 18 release deadline. But when the film's lead actress Deepika Padukone asked for some time off for personal work in Delhi earlier this week, the filmmaker, known to be a taskmaster, agreed to adjust the shoot schedule.
A unit hand says, "Deepika was in a dilemma as she had to attend an event for a fashion portal for which she launched her signature line. On the same day, she was also supposed to shoot some crucial scenes for 'Bajirao Mastani'. When she approached Bhansali for a day's leave, he considered the request."
With Deepika unavailable for a day, the film unit shot only with Ranveer Singh, who is playing Maratha warrior Peshwa Bajirao I. "As it is, the two actors didn't have any scenes together that day. So, we concentrated only on Ranveer's scenes. Since the schedule is on track, Bhansali didn't mind giving her a one-day break. On her return, she shot for extra hours over the next few days and made up for her absence."
The film's spokesperson confirms the news.
Saturday, October 24, 2015 16:35 IST