BJP member Gajendra Chauhan, whose appointment as FTII chairman triggered protests by the institute's students, on Wednesday lauded their decision to end the 139-day strike.
The students called off the strike, but said they will continue to protest against Chauhan in a "peaceful and democratic manner".
"I'm realising my responsibillties now. I would also like to congratulate the students for taking such a good desicion of going back and attending their classes. The studies were getting affected. That needs to get covered up," Chauhan told IANS on the telephone.
The actor, best remembered for his work as Yudhishtir of TV series "Mahabharat", also said he would "definitely meet" the students and talk to them.
Chauhan said "it's too early to say" when he will join the institute as chairman.
According to the students, Chauhan lacks credentials in the film industry to head the country's premier film institute, which has produced award winning talent like Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Jahnu Barua, Shabana Azmi and Om Puri.
Thursday, October 29, 2015 13:09 IST