Shah Rukh Khan, who will turn 50 on November 2, had completed 23 years in Bollywood on June 25. He had made a special video for his fans thanking them for 23 things! Want to know what they are? Watch the video to find out!
While sharing the link to the above video, SRK wrote, "Managed 2 do the video.Not the best effort as I was rushed but creativity sometimes takes a backseat to feelings."
Notice that the King Khan is wearing two watches, one on each hand. Is that going to be a trend to `watch` out for?
Watch SRK`s special video thanking fans for their love
Fans of the 49-year-old actor, who made his Bollywood debut with `Deewana` on June 25, 1992, marked the star`s achievement over Twitter by trending the hashtag `#23GoldenYearsOfSRK`.
Meanwhile, SRK is busy shooting for Rohit Shetty`s `Dilwale` opposite Kajol. It marks the reunion of the iconic on-screen couple, who were last seen together in Karan Johar`s 2010 film `My Name is Khan`.
The film also stars Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon. Produced by Red Chillies Entertainment and Shetty, `Dilwale` is scheduled for a December 18 release.
Friday, October 30, 2015 09:00 IST