Richa Chadha has taken Bollywood by storm with her brilliant performances and methodical acting. Her role in the upcoming film 'Main Aur Charles' proves the actress' commitment to her job. Richa did not undergo any prior formal training to prepare for her role; she just fit seamlessly into director Prawaal Raman's vision of the character. According to the actress, he was clear with his thought process and easy to work with.
The actress confirmed, "He sent me the script and I immediately fell in love with it. The script is well researched and Prawaal is a capable director whom I trust completely." This is the first time Richa has worked with the director. The actress shares a good rapport with the director and was impressed with his research for the film.
Directed by Prawaal Raman and produced by Cynozure Networkz, 'Main Aur Charles' is set for release on October 30, 2015.
Friday, October 30, 2015 20:00 IST