Gossip mills are abuzz with rumours about Nawazuddin Siddiqui having been admitted to a suburban hospital on Wednesday night. Sources say the actor, who had been under the weather for a couple of days, started feeling uneasy that evening and had to seek urgent medical attention.
"Nawaz was down with high fever, body ache and a sore throat since Monday. In fact, he had been resting at home. But on Wednesday night, Nawaz's health worsened and he was rushed to the hospital. His condition is now stable," says a source.
Contacted for a comment, the actor's spokesperson did not respond to text messages, but a source close to Nawazuddin confirms the story and says, "The doctors ran a few tests on him to check if he was infected with dengue or malaria, but they were negative. Nawaz was later given some medication, following which the fever has come down. However, his throat still hurts. He has been kept under observation and hopefully, will be discharged soon."
Saturday, October 31, 2015 15:43 IST