Actor Varun Sharma who was seen this year in Kiss Kiss ko Pyaar Karun with Kapil Sharma and now in Rohit Shetty's next Dilwale with Shah Rukh Khan has been on a non-stop work spree. As he has been shooting the last leg of his upcoming film Dilwale he is finally taking a day's break to Unwind and will be seen back in Bombay today. Varun whose an avid music lover and Punjabi munda whose a foodie would drop by for the Beer & Wine Out festival hosted by Moksh Sani, MD- Living Liquidz. to indulge in some scrumptious food and great live performances by young artists.
Varun says ' Looking forward to be a part of this festival to enjoy the live gigs as well as try out the special food menu'
Saturday, October 31, 2015 16:07 IST