Ranbir Kapoor is currently in London, shooting for one of his upcoming films. However, technology ensured that that actor was present at the music launch of Tamasha. According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Deepika Padukone kicked off the music launch of Tamasha and Ranbir joined her through a video conference call. The report further stated that when Ranbir and Deepika were being called the next Shah Rukh-Kajol jodi, RK was quick to retort, "I would rather we be called the first Ranbir-Deepika jodi than the next SRK-Kajol."
Each day was a feast on the sets of Tamasha, as Ranbir-Deepika were feasting on authentic French delicacies, while in Corsica. The menu for the meals was also a matter of discussion on the sets. Ranbir and Deepika, along with the crew, would sketch out their wish list for the day and a huge table would be set for meals everyday. While soups, pasta, gnocchi and polenta were tried in variations by the team, the Corse sandwich and the dessert, Fiadone was their favourite.
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone have a passionate love-making scene in Tamasha, which includes a lip-to-lip kiss. A source close to the production has been quoted in a Mumbai Mirror report as saying that, "The film revolves around two young people who meet as strangers in Corsica and hit it off immediately. They are on a break from mundane everyday reality and playfully decide that their lives on the French island will be nothing but a pack of lies and go around impersonating the characters they have been fascinated with, from Dev Anand to Don and Mona Darling. But somewhere along the way, they fall in love. The play-acting stops and feelings become real. The kiss between them is not very long in terms of screen time, but it's hot and intense and very different from the intimate kiss they shared inBachna Ae Haseeno."
Monday, November 02, 2015 12:49 IST