Filmmaker Prakash Jha, who has wrapped shooting for his upcoming film "Jai Gangaajal", has left on a solo vacation to Paris and London. He says he wants to "catch up with friends" and "brood" on his next film.
"There is no agenda of this vacation. I just wanted to catch up with friends and chill out. I will also brood on my next film," Jha said in a statement.
In the upcoming movie, which he's directing too, Jha will also be essaying a policeman's role, while Priyanka will be donning the khaki uniform. The film is a sequel of the 2003 movie `Gangaajal`.
The film, which will release worldwide on March 4 next year, revisits the dusty heartland of north India, examining the society-police relationship.
Written and directed by Jha, "Jai Gangaajal" is produced by Prakash Jha Productions and Play Entertainment.
It also stars Manav Kaul, Rahul Bhat, Murli Sharma and Ninand Kamath.
Monday, November 02, 2015 12:55 IST