Be it Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express or Happy New Year, whenever Shah Rukh and Deepika have come together, they have created blockbusters. However, the two most anticipated films of the year - Shah Rukh's Dilwale And Deepika's Bajirao Mastani Release together, on December 18. While speaking to the media at his 50th birthday bash in Mumbai, SRK denied allegations of being at loggerheads with Deepika, and stated that the pretty actress is his lucky charm and will work for him on the 18th as well. He also went to say that since the two films are releasing on the same day, he hopes that both do well.
Kajol will soon be seen reuniting with Shah Rukh Khan in Dilwale.This film also stars young actors, Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon. According to an interview on, Kriti was quoted saying that she was initially scared of working with Kajol. Responding to the same, seasoned actress Kajol stated that she wondered why people are so scared of her. The report further quoted Kajol saying that Kriti has a great attitude towards work.Dilwaleis directed by Rohit Shetty and is expected to hit the screens this December.
Red Chillies Entertainment has released a video of the behind-the-scene madness that goes on while shooting for the climax of a film. Since the climax is the highlight of every Rohit Shetty film, revealing Dilwale's climax seems to be quite a bold move on the part of both the director and the producer of the film. While we found the entire video to be engaging, what caught our attention was Kajol and Shah Rukh waltzing, with a lot of lit up lamps glimmering in the foreground. The magical ambience and the overall romance add to the appeal of the film.
Tuesday, November 03, 2015 13:52 IST