Aparna Sharma who has made her Bollywood debut with Shantanu Ray Chhibber and Sheershak Anand's film 'Guddu Ki Gun' has captured everyone's attention. The film released to packed theatres. Starring opposite Kunal Khemu, the actress looks stunning as the confident yet simple 'Bholi'. The debutante is being appreciated for her performance and chemistry with Kunal Khemu by audience and critics alike.
Here are some of the reviews applauding Aparna's performance.
Rediff movies: `Aparna Sharma as Bholi makes credible debut in Guddu Ki Gun`
Claps n Slaps: `Aparna Sharma looks gorgeous`
Book my show: `Aparna Sharma is delightful to watch!`
Aparna Sharma has been a regular at Lakme Fashion Week and has walked the ramp for many famous designers. She has also been featured in advertisements for big brands like Coke, Close Up, Nescafe, Samsung and various others.
Tuesday, November 03, 2015 14:10 IST