Item girl Deepal Shaw, popularly known as 'Baby doll' who has made waves with her music videos like "Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar", is all ready to shoot for her next Bollywood
After "Kalyug", her next film tentatively titled "Tumse" is set to roll this October along with Irfan Khan in the main lead.
"'Tumse' is basically about human psychology and emotions with love as its backdrop. It shows how people react to different situations and repent later", says an elated
"It's about how love creates hassles in their lives, while rescuing them from various situations at the same time. It's like when love ceases to be a secret, it ceases to be a
pleasure", adds the actress.
Her performance in "Kalyug" as a porn star, created quite a flutter when the film hit the marquee. She says, "My performance in "Kalyug" was well appreciated and I hope to
do better in future. I want to get better with every performance and "Tumse" is one such opportunity. The script is very unpredictable, the music is a blend of celebration and
illusion, which makes it outstanding."
"Moreover the title is such that a layman would be able to relate to it, considering the common usage of the word "Tumse" in our everyday life, apart from love being a pivotal
part of people's lives makes it even more real", she quips.
Monday, June 05, 2006 15:13 IST