Jacqueline Fernandez will be seen opposite actor Sooraj Pancholi in Bhushan Kumar's next single. The song titled 'GF' (short for girlfriend) is a youthful, hip-hop number which will be directed and choreographed by Remo D'souza. This is the first time the actress will be working with Sooraj. According to reports, Jacqueline loved the concept of the song and will soon join the actor for rehearsals along with the director.
For the video, the actress will practice with popular dance crew 13.13 and is looking forward to the entire experience. Elaborating on the same, Bhushan Kumar said, `Sooraj has proved his mettle as a dancer with his acting debut, and Jacqueline, we all know, is good with her moves. They are exactly what we were looking for to feature in our new single.`
Currently the actress is busy filming 'Flying Jatt' with Tiger Shroff.
Tuesday, November 03, 2015 16:00 IST