A red-carpet event last week brought together the who's who of Bollywood under the same roof. When this actress, known for her keen sense of style, walked in, she exchanged pleasantries with her contemporaries present at the do. However, she chose to look through this one-film-old actress, leaving her befuddled.
Says a source, `The actress in question posed for shutterbugs and proceeded to the green room backstage. She bumped into three of her peers and got talking with them. However, she chose to ignore this relative newbie who was very much present in the same room.`
We hear the actress is envious of the newcomer since she is on the radar of top-notch filmmakers. `The younger actress was shocked when her industry senior didn't bother to acknowledge her and pretended as if she did not exist. After greeting her contemporaries, she walked away to meet other guests. The newcomer was visibly upset and tried hard to hide her feelings,` adds the source.
Thursday, November 05, 2015 21:00 IST