Besides being a versatile actor, R Madhavan is also known for his passion for sports, particularly golf and the actor is also an avid golfer. The versatile actor, who'll be seen playing a boxing coach in his forthcoming movie Saala Khadoos, recently attended the inaugural edition of the Pro-AM of the Oxford Masters, an event featuring professional golfers and the country's top amateur golf players held in Pune.
Interestingly, Madhavan was awarded for hitting the longest drive (360 yards) at the event. Despite his busy schedule, the actor takes out time to play golf and has been trained at the David Leadbetter Golf Academy, USA.
Madhavan said, "I love golf, as it provides me with some me time. Initially, it used to be a game only for the rich but that has changed dramatically now."
"To make Golf even more popular in India, we need to make it more accessible to the newer players and even women," Madhavan adds.
Saturday, November 07, 2015 14:37 IST