Actress Yuvika Chaudhary, who entered the 'Bigg Boss' house along with partner Vikas Bhalla, got eliminated from the controversial reality show "Bigg Boss Nau" on Sunday. She has called her stay in the house a "beautiful journey".
She is the fifth contestant from the show to get eliminated. Her partner Vikas and Gujarati singer Arvind Vegda got evicted on November 1.
"It was a beautiful journey in the house. It's a lifetime experience. It's a challenging life. But it's a beautiful challenge and it depends on how you take it up," Yuvika, who made her Bollywood debut with 2007 film "Om Shanti Om" starring Shah Rukh Khan, told IANS over phone from Lonavala.
Contestants like Mandana Karimi, Prince Narula, Suyyash Rai, Kishwar Merchant, Rochelle Rao, Aman Verma, Digangana Suryavanshi and Rimi Sen are still locked in 'Bogg Boss' house.
Monday, November 09, 2015 13:36 IST