Salman Khan brought in Dhanteras with his Prem Ratan Dhan Payo co-stars. The party which started off at 8.30 pm on Sunday continued till 4 am on Monday. As his co-stars-Sonam Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Armaan Kohli, Swara Bhaskar, Aashika Bhatia and Deepak Dobriyal-were en route to his Bandra residence, they got an early Diwali gift from Goa. After wrapping up the shoot of Dilwale, Rohit Shetty shot a video of his actors, Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Varun Dhawan, Kriti Sanon and Varun Sharma, dancing to the PRDP title track.
"A surprised Salman immediately asked his staff to record a video of the PRDP team dancing to SRK'sDilwale Dulhania Leh Jayengechartbuster, "Tujhedekha toh yeh jaana sanam", a song he'd picked out himself," a guest from the party told Mirror, adding that the actor shot a second version with Sonam, both stretcht ing out their arms in the signature SRK pose.He shared it captioning it "Prem Dilwala to Raj Dilwale". SRK reciprocated by thanking him, prem se, for the return gift. Platters of meat, prawns, fish curry and rice, went around as Sallu's scriptwriter dad joined the guests for an hour to rave about how hard his son was wrestling for his 2016 Eid-release, working out rigorously for four hours a day. He said that both, director Sooraj Barjatya and he, had been waiting for PRDP to release for the longest time. "It's Prem's best so far," he promised, adding that he was looking forward to Deepak's `Kanhaiya' act which has been kept under wraps as a special treat so far. beenSalman who had subdued at a pubevening, lic gathering earlier that only guffawing as he took a dig at Neil Nitin Mukesh, referring to him as "Mr Lord of the Rings" without realising that the TV series, Game of Thrones, and the Hollywood feature, Lord of The Rings, were totally different, was much chattier at home.
Sonam and Neil raved about the magic of a Sooraj Barjatya film, saying their families had already booked tickets.Salman deadpanned about the "new obsession" of seeing him lock lips on screen.
"I never felt the need to kiss, I'm not shy, I just don't like it. It makes me uncomfortable, besides, I don't see the need for it. The day I feel it is imperative, I will oblige. But abhitak to mujhe aisi koi zaroorat lagi nahin," he quipped.
The party wrapped up at the crack of dawn. Bhai was still wide awake, munching on leftovers.
his co-stars snoozed all day, Salman was up in less than six hours for yet another promotional event, this time with Sooraj who was missing from the party.
"We don't know how he woke up at 10 am after such a long night," a stillgroggy cast member wondered.
The actor had a surprise visitor at Mehboob Studio. Munni aka Harshaali Malhotra, the Bajrangi Bhaijaan cutie whose PRDP song dubsmash went viral this week, dropped in to wish Salman Happy Diwali with a box of sweets.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 13:23 IST