Director Jagmohan Mundhra's Aishwarya starrer "Provoked", which is based on a true story, has become hot property among international buyers after its recent screening
at the Cannes Film Festival.
Apart from a critical acclaim from the international media, the film's producer, J. Murli Manohar, got a record number of queries from the buyers and sold the film to more
than 12 countries in four days following the screening.
According Mundhra, the film generated a tremendous response among international distributors after its two screenings.
"We were overwhelmed by the response, especially since it was not a regular festival screening but a market screening. We also had a special screening by invitation for the
international media, which worked wonders for the film," he said.
"Moreover, the film has been bought by very unusual international distributors from Brazil, China and Russia, who were eager to clinch a deal for the film's right."
The film is releasing Sep 1 and the "Provoked" team is planning a hi-pitched global campaign, in which Aishwarya will actively participate.
"Ash is very happy with the film and she understands the importance of promoting it, which is why she has allotted two whole weeks prior to the film's release for its
promotional campaign," Mundhra said.
The film will also be shown at the forthcoming International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards starting June 14 in Dubai.
"We sought the Cannes screening to unveil the film to the world media. Now, we are looking at IIFA to serve as an ideal platform for unveiling the film to the Asian media,"
said Mundhra.
Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:57 IST