Bollywood actress Amyra Dastur is back on the screens with the new T-Series video `Aa bhi jaa tu kahin se` with renowned singer Sonu Nigam which has already gotten over a million views in just three days.
`Aa Bhi Jaa Tu Khain Se` directed by Anubhav Sinha released online on 6th November is a romantic number by Bhushan Kumar with Jeet Gannguli`s music and Manoj Muntashir`s lyrics which marvelously bring emotions of love and longing to screen. The music video shot over a span of three days is all about love, loss and hope which tells the heart-touching tale of Sonu Nigam, whose lady love Amyra Dastur goes into coma due to a severe health condition .
Amyra Dastur quoted `The song was shot in some of Kerala`s most beautiful places like backwaters, the beaches and a pine valley which is just a two hour drive up the hills of Kerala. I had to practice and observe how to play the cello for this video so, I would travel to Andheri for 3 days in a row before we headed to Kerala and learn how to play the cello for 2hours each day from a professional cellist`.
Amyra Dastur, was last seen in Emraan Hashmi starrer `Mr. X`.
Thursday, November 12, 2015 13:18 IST