The ravishing pair of Malaika Arora Khan and Arbaaz Khan will be seen together for the first time on Sony Entertainment Television's upcoming reality show Power Couple. The show which will put to test 10 celebrity couples to find out how far they will go for love, will see the duo don the host's hat whilst giving the audience a sneak peek into their adorable chemistry.
Recently, they shot for a promo of the show where they were talking about how far can one go for love and what Arbaaz revealed will surely give husband goals to millions. While filming, Arbaaz revealed that when Malaika was pregnant, her mother insisted that she has castor oil as it helps during delivery. Not a very appetizing drink, Malaika was sceptical and laid a condition that she will have it only if Arbaaz also consumes it along with her.
While speaking about it, Arbaaz said, "When Malaika was pregnant with Arhaan, her mother advised her to consume castor oil for smooth delivery. Even I insisted her on having the same. Malaika agreed but on a condition. She wanted me to also have it. I obliged and had it with her without hesitating and it surely helped her during Arhaan's delivery. On contrary I had to face its side effects and I suffered from loose motions."
Thursday, November 12, 2015 14:57 IST