A host of Bollywood biggies attended the launch of Shilpa Shetty's book on fitness last afternoon. However, Hrithik Roshan, whose name was on the official invite, was missing from the scene. Sources say when the actor did not show up at the scheduled time, Shilpa decided to go ahead with the launch sans him.
"According to the invitation, Amitabh Bachchan, Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan were guests of honour for the event. But, Hrithik did not turn up and the reason was not explained," says a source present at the do.
It is said that the star was shooting for 'Mahenjo Daro' in Bhuj and missed his flight to Mumbai. Adds the source, "Hrithik had promised Shilpa to be present at the launch, but since his morning shoot was delayed, he could not make it to the airport on time."
Hrithik was unavailable for comment, but a source close to him says, "He wanted to board the next flight, but, unfortunately, it was available only in the evening. When he enquired about a private chartered flight service, he was told that securing permission would take a lot of time. So, he was forced to cancel his visit, but informed Shilpa about it."
Shilpa confirms the story and says, "Hrithik could not make it due to unforeseen circumstances, but he was really keen to be part of the event. He made every effort to be there."
Saturday, November 21, 2015 15:25 IST