Upset with the row between his brother Mika and Bollywood performer Rakhi Sawant, Punjabi pop singer Daler Mehndi today described "party kissing" as an unwelcome
intrusion into Indian culture.
"This party kissing is not Indian culture. Rather it is an unwelcome intrusion into it," Mehndi told by phone from Hyderabad after Sawant accused his brother Mika, who is
also a singer, of molestation during his birthday party.
She alleged that Mika kissed her forcibly while celebrating his birthday in Mumbai, a charge he denied.
Mehndi said the two aristes should resolve their row mutually. "We are all performers and artistes. We shouldn't be going public against each other. Both should resolve this
row mutually," he said.
Monday, June 12, 2006 14:15 IST