For the longest time, Sharman Joshi sported a lean look. But for his upcoming thriller, 'Hate Story 3', the actor has a beefy look considering the role required him to go shirtless often.
Sharman says, "Fitness is something I have been into for a while. This film gave me the opportunity to take off my shirt often." The actor stuck to a no-carb diet to sport those chiselled abs. "My breakfast is a bowl of fresh fruit and protein shake. For lunch, I get my fibre intake through vegetables besides chicken/fish provide proteins. Dinner consists of a protein shake along with some chicken or fish. I get my carbs from soup. I do not have dal, roti, bread or rice," adds the actor.
Sharman has converted his building garage into a gym.
He also dabbles in martial arts to stay fit. The actor says, "If a shirtless scene is required, I would surely do it. Why would I limit myself to just one film? Cinema has changed over the years and today it is more in-the-face kind of films which involve flaunting a well-chiselled body."
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 13:59 IST