Sonam voiced her opinion against the gender bias in Bollywood, at a recent panel discussion, as reported on Hindustan Times. She went on to highlight the unequal pay system for female actors in the industry. She said that she has refused to work with directors who pay female actors less than their male counterparts. She further added that she has been fending for herself since she was 18 and that although saying to no money is hard for her, she will continue to refuse lower pay since it's not morally right.
Sonam Kapoor might be dominating the scene at fashion shows, but papa Anil Kapoor feels that she is still short of a blockbuster. Talking about the tall and stylish Sonam, Anil Kapoor said that he cannot imagine Sonam doing anything but Aisha and Khoobsurat as such films are usually done by actors when they have established their careers but Sonam had done them early on in her career, as reported on The proud father said that her debut film had not worked and that he likes it that she has learnt things the hard way. He added that the best phase of her career was about to begin, considering the kind of films that she was working on currently.
Friday, November 27, 2015 13:36 IST