Aamir stirred a nationwide controversy earlier this week after he shared his views about the intolerance issue at an event in the capital. Though Bollywood has been divided about Aamir's comments, Hrithik Roshan took to Twitter to voice his support in Aamir's favour. The actor posted, `What I learn from this - even when attacked u must find d power to respond and not react! Well done @aamir_khan`
Saturday, November 28, 2015 13:00 IST
Aamir Khan took off for the US late Thursday night within hours of his arrival from New Delhi. The actor had been shooting in Punjab for his film, 'Dangal'. Mr Perfectionist zoomed off from the domestic airport to his Bandra residence amid tight security. He was back at the international airport within hours to jet off to the US. Till he boarded his flight, he was enveloped in a tight security blanket. Buzz is that the star is seeking medical attention for an injury sustained during the shoot of Dangal.
Aamir stirred a nationwide controversy earlier this week after he shared his views about the intolerance issue at an event in the capital. Though Bollywood has been divided about Aamir's comments, Hrithik Roshan took to Twitter to voice his support in Aamir's favour. The actor posted, `What I learn from this - even when attacked u must find d power to respond and not react! Well done @aamir_khan`
Aamir stirred a nationwide controversy earlier this week after he shared his views about the intolerance issue at an event in the capital. Though Bollywood has been divided about Aamir's comments, Hrithik Roshan took to Twitter to voice his support in Aamir's favour. The actor posted, `What I learn from this - even when attacked u must find d power to respond and not react! Well done @aamir_khan`